Jumaat, 3 Jun 2011

ukiss showcase FREE

ukiss will coming to Malaysia!!yey...excited aku wlaupun tau mmg aku xdpt g.haha.

best la fan Ukiss yang susah-mati ni g ek.bertuah korg.diorg nye show pd 10 jun n di KL Pavilion Main Entrance.

latest news,penganjur ukiss says showcase ni akn dibuat for free.wah,bertuah n bertuah korg.

tiket2 yg telh dijual leh refund ataupunklu xnk refund,leh dignti sbgai gnjran mgikut hrga tiket.ada yg bleh bergambar scr individual,dinner ngan ukiss,dpt shakehand dgn diorg n mcm2 lg la.

so,sape2 yg mint ukiss leh la reramai g pavilion n sape nk refund, please log on to www.fatdeal.com.my or contact hotline 03 20921199 for more information.

The refund period runs till June 5, and any late refund will not be processed. For further information related to the U-KISS Showcase, please log on to www.marctensia.com.

sblum tu dgr la lgu Ukiss 'Shut Up'

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